

Trine Søndergaard

published by: Fabrikbooks

year: 2018

designed by: Rasmus Koch Studio

format: 100 x 70 cm

250 g. Artic Silk Papir

color offset

price: €100 – free shipping within Denmark

Still poster – Trine Søndergaard

From Trine Søndergaard’s solo exhibition “Still” at Museum of modern art André Malraux in 2018/19.

The Still poster features one of the images from Trine Søndergaards “Guldnakke” series. The Guldnakke bonnets are from the mid 1800s, and were popular among the wives of Denmark’s wealthy farmers. The bonnets were a status symbol. Gold textiles had previously been reserved for royalty, the nobility and the church. Highly specialised needlewomen made the bonnets, and these experts are early examples of self-employed women who were often able to provide for their families.⁠

The Still poster by Trine Søndergaard measures 70 x 100 cm and is printed on high quality 250 g/m2 Arctic Silk Paper.  ⁠
